Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RETROPOL: Oswald "Oz" Chiang

Year of the Dragon
Height: 5’7” (1.7M)
Weight: 165lbs (74.84Kg)

Former Retropolitan native of Chinese descent. Only son/last heir to a prominent school of Southern Kung Fu based in the Bronze. At the age of nine, he attained expert proficiency in the Wing Chun discipline mastered by his father. After completing university studies, he chose to pursue an academic career, causing a disagreement with his father over the future of the family’s martial arts school. Unbeknownst to Oswald, the school had been the target of the Heaven and Earth Society over an old grudge that started before the Hsinhai Revolution of 1911. After the father-son schism, Oz left the city and moved to Seattle for a teaching position. Shortly after, the Triads attacked the school, killing his father and destroying much of the property. Oz immediately returned to the city for the wake, and that same night acted against his uncle’s wishes and went in search of the Triad members responsible. His vendetta quickly led him to a local Triad front, where he smashed through the Blue Lantern guards. The only officer he found could only point him in the direction of the Rumble City battles, where his one chance of finding the killer would be in the pit fights.

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