Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RETROPOL: Jaa Kwang Ramasoon "Jaguar"

Born Jai Kawee Ratchata
Birthdate Unknown
Height: 5’ 6 ½”
Weight Unknown

The few things that have been found about this mysterious fighter is that he was once a circuit kick boxer in Thailand. At one point, Jaguar was an undefeated champion for two years until he was expelled from the sport after killing his opponent in the ring. However, Jaguar was only interested in the martial art and not the sporting aspect. For a time, he participated in underground cage fights throughout Thailand, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Malaysia. The warrior actively sought more dangerous opponents, in an effort to prove that his mastery of kick boxing could defeat any person. Jaguar witnessed the brutality of Captain Toothy’s legendary bar melee and decided to stalk Pirates, in search of their greatest champion. Upon trailing the Pirate league to Retropolitan, Jaguar understood that some of the world’s most fearsome warriors may be participating in this Rumble City tournament.

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